Trending This Week

Heart Over Hype

January 2, 2020

Marriage is amazing. But, as we move into our ninth year of marriage, I am looking back at what marriage has become. In the world of elaborate ceremonies, creative hashtags, and a never-ending list of couples deemed “relationship goals”, the concept of marriage has become increasingly difficult to discuss. As I look back on our wedding day, I am thankful for the support system two…

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Brain Fuel MMXX

January 1, 2020

I like to think that I am an avid reader. In 2019, I didn’t meet my goal of reading twenty-six books. Instead of becoming discouraged, I am making adjustments to prioritize reading in my daily routine. This year, I want to dive deeper into my books. I have an ever-growing collection of books and a current limited time schedule on when I can read them.…

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1 Major Flaw in Your Execution Plan

April 30, 2019

When I think about execution, the first thing that comes to mind is movement. Since we cancelled cable a few years ago, I watch television sparingly. My husband will call me sometimes and ask why the house is so quiet and why I don’t have the tv on. I always respond “Because, I’m doing something.” I’m always moving. Even when I am sitting still, I…

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Girl, You Have a Problem

April 16, 2019

I am a “super planner”. Those who know and love me know that I am a Planner Addict. I am currently using the MAMBI Big Happy Planner, along with countless sticker books, planner dolls, and assorted color ink pens to keep me on track in life. In this Happy Planner, I write everything: my failures, my successes, monthly and weekly goals, daily affirmations, dated memories…

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Hello Fear

"I am choosing to be the unapologetic and authentic version of Chaquita."…

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