About Me

Hi there! I’m Chaquita, your next best friend & probably the most disorganized organizer you will ever meet!

I’m totally kidding… I’m an imperfect wife, mom, teacher, and blogger dedicated to helping Millennial women conquer adulthood by adopting a lifestyle of intentionality through actionable tips and relatable stories about personal finance, legacy building, millennial marriage, and living fearlessly through faith.

Who is Virtueish?

Virtueish is a tribe of women. The best decision I ever made for myself was to stop looking at other women as forms of competition. I started seeing these women as sisters who I could learn from and collaborate with.

As a girl from the “hood”, I never had anyone mentor me. Yes, there were a few influential women who dropped one liners on me over the years, but no one ever took the time to pour into me. I was practically raising myself, given no guidelines, and criticized when I fell short.

After struggling financially, mentally, physically, and spiritually for years, I chose to surround myself with thinkers, dreamers, believers, and doers. I took some time to focus on my weaknesses and built a tribe that would be my strength.

Virtue simply means being morally good. I like to think that I am a woman of virtue. While I am not “virtuous”, I am Virtue-ish. For now, I’m good with that.

Virtueish Self- Declaration

As a member of the Virtueish movement, I declare these things into my life:


There is nothing I desire more than to see you flourishing in life.
Join the Virtueish Tribe!