Sister Circle: Financial Accountability

April 16, 2019

Have you ever wondered why talking about money is a taboo subject? Its like, in the world of social media… people have become so obsessed with the public’s perceptions of their private practices.

Sometimes though, as I have learned… it is imperative to share some of what you’re doing and what your plans are. I’d like to think that it should also include the m-word, money. Talking about money can be seen as a negative thing.

In a world of social media and “living your best life”, throwing your entire tax return on your student loan debt may not seem as fabulous as the likes you will receive on your social media when you post photos of you getting out of your brand new car, in a new outfit, pulling up to the airport, waiting for your Flight to Paris. I know, life is so unfair sometimes.

I want to collect stamps on my passport, drive my dream car, and take care of my family without experiencing anxiety. However, I want to do it on my own terms. I am on a journey to debt free. This blog was birthed from the idea of having a tribe that would hold me accountable as I do so. But, in order to do that… I need to be honest about my finances.

5 Reasons Why You Need an Accountability Partner

1. Accountability partners will hold you accountable. Rather it is reminding you to meal prep or to go to the grocery store so you save money during the week, an accountability partner will “check you” on your choices while on a journey to better manage your finances.

2. Accountability partners will challenge you. There was nothing more I hated when I first started my journey than for my accountability partner to question the innumerable smalls financial decisions I was making. She would challenge me to consider setting a savings goal for the month or paying a certain amount on a debt during another one. I would in turn do the same for her.

3. Accountability partners will encourage you. I am a planner. I do my budget a month in advance for my first job. Sometimes, it is hard when you are using a zero-based budget method. There will be times when you want to go out for dinner with friends, purchase yourself a new outfit, or pamper yourself. However, your accountability partner will be there to encourage you to stay committed and to recognize that the sacrifices are only temporary.

4. Accountability partners keep you focused. My accountability partner was my best friend. In the beginning of the each year, we set goals for multiple categories. Any accountability partner, however will consistently remind you about your financial obligations and your financial goals.

5. Accountability partners will celebrate with you. The absolute biggest reason why you need an accountability partner is to celebrate your wins, not matter how small.

You can’t overcome what you don’t talk about. “

1 comments so far.

One response to “Sister Circle: Financial Accountability”

  1. Falon says:

    Hi Chaquita! This is an awesome post. I am on a journey to becoming debt free as well, and I totally agree that an accountability partner is a MUST!


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